My Barista Helped Me Make a Song

If you are a Begotten Insider – if not, why not – then you may have noticed at the bottom of all these emails, I tend to enjoy a cup of coffee from Starbucks in the mornings.

About a month ago, one of the all-star crew of baristas was hounding me to watch Demon Slayer – I'm getting more into anime and have been looking for only the good ones to watch.

Toni, the most energetic barista ever, everyday would sharply cock her head, lift her eyes and sternly ask, "Did you start watching Demon Slayer yet?"

Every time I would sheepishly say no.

Last week, while driving, I decided to live on the edge. I pulled up Hulu on my phone and began streaming the show.

Halfway through just the first episode there was a scene where this angelic piano melody came in with sobs from a demon in the background. It was beautiful. Within a 15 second scene, I was on an emotional, creative ride.

Demon Slayer.gif

Later that day, with the inspiration of that piano in mind, I created a melody that gave me a similar emotional trip. From there, the song "For Certain" wrote itself.

Toni didn't know it – unless she's reading this now – but she played an important role in the creation of this song. Without our banters and her persistence to get me to share in the journey of this anime story, I probably would have never came across that heaven of a piano theme.

The next time you grab a shot of espresso, raise it and give a toast. Here's to Toni and all the seemingly trivial moments we may have in each other lives that turn out to be a pivotal source of inspiration!

Just listen to that melody!


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